Monday, July 28, 2008

Scout Camp

Man, it's been a long time. I've been away with my Stick Scout camp. Not a computer in sight. Actually, not much that uses electricity in sight. That's alright, though. Sometimes I like to get back to my roots...

It was a week long trip to some camp next to the Wabash River. One day we waded down the river (Dip Stick said we were playing "Pooh Sticks." Doofus.), and the next day we were hiking sticks. We sang a lot of songs around the camp rock pit (no campfires for us; we're not evil like you all). I even met my requirements for two new badges: Wood Knots and Leafprinting. I might move up a rank from Sapling to Sugar Maple. I'm hoping to become a Sycamore in a couple of years.

I also got a bad case of poison ivy. Humans, you know, get sores and rashes. Trees, though, get tangled up in vines. It makes it very hard to move. I've still got a couple of twists in me. And they're itchy.

Mom said that Pappy Stick will be visiting us this weekend. I'm kind of pumped up. First of all, he's not bringing Old Walkin' Stick with him. Second, we might go to a baseball game. The Clinton LumberKings are playing the evil Bakerfield Blaze. I hate fire.

1 comment:

Judy in Indiana said...

It was nice to run into you and so many of your cousins when we were on vacation recently. I hope you enjoyed the woods as much as we did.