Saturday, June 28, 2008

Camping Carnage

I saw something this evening that really peevs me off. Some family was out back enjoying some family time...with a campfire! You know, I thought that racism was dying out, gender roles were slowly coming to an end, blah blah blah. But you can go into any Walmart and buy a number of stick-killing firepits. Hey, I know what we can do tonight, kids. Let's go murder some poor, innocent group of sticks. We'll sit around the carnage and even use their still burning carcasses to toast some marshmallows. Sounds fun!

I say a little consideration for the stick people of the world! Let us live in peace, or a least let us live! You don't need us to provide fuel for cooking anymore, so why not go inside and enjoy your natural gas fireplace? No need to go all caveman on us.

Tomorrow my fam is going to visit our Grandpa, Pappy Stick, and our great-grandpa, Ole Walkin' Stick. He's an old hickory that likes to remind us to take our shoes off in the house so we don't track leaves in. Can't wait for the excitement. I just hope we don't stick around too long. Sunday Night Baseball is on later, and I love to watch a little stick ball.

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